
Friday, March 29, 2013

Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About Hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia is when there are higher than normal amounts of lipids in the blood stream. Lipids, often called fats, are essential to the composition of cells.Generally when an individual has hyperlipidemia they also suffer from high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. There are no symptoms for hyperlipidemia so often times it goes undetected for long periods of time. Some of the risk factors are age (men over 45, women over 55), unhealthy lifestyle (poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and smoking), medical conditions (diabetes, kidney disease, or pregnancy), and genetics. A blood test is needed to diagnose hyperlipidimia. Because there are no specific symptoms associated with hyperlipidemia a blood test will determine the levels of lipids in your blood. These levels can help determine the intervention necessary to control lipid levels, if diagnosed with hyperlipidemia. It is recommended as a precaution by The National Cholesterol Education Program that everyone get a blood test every 5 years after the age of 20.

Although the term fat generally has a negative connotation, it is important to recognize that at appropriate levels, lipids have important functions. However, if the lipid levels exceed the functional level, health risks increase significantly. Lipids are used to store large amounts of energy and to protect cells of the body. Lipids are able to store more energy per gram than carbohydrates and proteins. Activities lasting longer than one hour are fueled by the energy stored in lipids. Lipids make up the semi-permeable membrane of body cells that regulate what is allowed to enter the cells of the body. The lipid bilayer also protects the organelles within the cell, contains sites for enzyme and hormone recognition and transports food sources into the cell.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet - What You Should And Should Not Eat

Reactive hypoglycemia refers to a condition where blood sugar significantly drops 2-3 hours after a meal leading to repulsive symptoms such as nervousness, nausea and shaking. Good news is that these symptoms can be eliminated by embracing some changes in your diet. These include avoiding high intake of carbohydrates and taking regular meals.

It is very important to understand the kind of reactive hypoglycemia diet that is good for you. Reactive hypoglycemics are advised to consume food with high fiber content, which include pears, raspberries, whole-wheat products, peas and beans. Moreover, they should take in foods indicated as low glycemic, which usually provide glucose for significant amount of time. This helps your body to avoid low blood sugar levels, which is a part of this undesirable health condition. Vegan and organic foods are typical examples of foods that are flavored with cane or agave syrup and are not associated with any spikes in blood sugar. Foods that have high fructose concentration are undesirable.

You need to eat regular meals to compensate for the low blood sugar levels. Actually, people living with reactive hypoglycemia should have meals after every 2 to 3 hours to avoid crashes in their blood sugar levels. It is recommended that one should take frequent meals in small quantities other than taking the three regular meals. Wise ways to do this is by taking half of what you take in each normal meal and distribute the rest for intake in the remaining two hours.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Treatment Options for Your Beard Patches

If you are suffering from the aforementioned condition, you can try out some home remedies as a first line of treatment. One of the best known home remedies is the use of massaging oil, which is readily available in the local stores. You can try rubbing this oil regularly - just before going to bed for a few days. Oils such as olive oils or coconut oils are very beneficial for bald patches. If that does not work, you can check out the lemon juice treatment. The treatment is very simple. All you need to do is to squeeze out the juice of a lemon and then directly apply it on the affected area. If you mix black tea with the lemon juice, the effectiveness is more. You should see the results in just a few weeks.

Herbal tea is also very good for the baldness treatment. You can use tea leaves that are freshly soaked in water or you can use the tea bags and soak them in water. Then apply the tea solution on the affected area. This is generally done early in the morning or late in the evening-just before going to bed.

If these home remedies don't work, it is time you searched the internet for hair growth enhancers. The hair growth enhancers are generally different for the head and the beard region. The beard region skin is tender and needs special care. The hair growth enhancers are easily available on online stores, but the efficacy of most of them is still in question. If the hair growth enhancers are chemical based, you will definitely have some side effects-most of which are undesirable.