
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet - What You Should And Should Not Eat

Reactive hypoglycemia refers to a condition where blood sugar significantly drops 2-3 hours after a meal leading to repulsive symptoms such as nervousness, nausea and shaking. Good news is that these symptoms can be eliminated by embracing some changes in your diet. These include avoiding high intake of carbohydrates and taking regular meals.

It is very important to understand the kind of reactive hypoglycemia diet that is good for you. Reactive hypoglycemics are advised to consume food with high fiber content, which include pears, raspberries, whole-wheat products, peas and beans. Moreover, they should take in foods indicated as low glycemic, which usually provide glucose for significant amount of time. This helps your body to avoid low blood sugar levels, which is a part of this undesirable health condition. Vegan and organic foods are typical examples of foods that are flavored with cane or agave syrup and are not associated with any spikes in blood sugar. Foods that have high fructose concentration are undesirable.

You need to eat regular meals to compensate for the low blood sugar levels. Actually, people living with reactive hypoglycemia should have meals after every 2 to 3 hours to avoid crashes in their blood sugar levels. It is recommended that one should take frequent meals in small quantities other than taking the three regular meals. Wise ways to do this is by taking half of what you take in each normal meal and distribute the rest for intake in the remaining two hours.

Avoid consuming any foods that have low levels of fiber, foods with high concentrations of carbohydrates such as cookies and cakes. Foods with high levels of fructose, potato chips, soda and caffeinated beverages should also be avoided. These products should be swapped out for whole-grain content or never taken at all. Meals offered in restaurants should not be eaten unless you are sure that they do not have any sugar.

Another critical fact that you must not overlook is the importance of reading labels of what you buy. Many sweet products usually contain a significant amount of fructose and other sugars. Cakes, soft drinks, snacks, ice creams and cookies are perfect examples. It is worth noting that these unwanted food elements are also contained in other foods such as baked beans, peanuts, flavored vinegars, sushi and salsas. These too must be avoided. In fact, many processed foods are blended with sugar and hence the need to be cautious.

The process of regulating blood sugar usually requires some carbohydrates. This means that, even though people with reactive hypoglycemia experience unwanted symptoms after taking in high-carb diets, very low amounts of the same is not advised. As an alternative, ensure that you balance your meals by taking enough proteins and carbs. Avoid taking a handful of one meal instead add small pieces of other products to make a healthy diet.

It is extremely important to appreciate the fact that people with reactive hypoglycemia frequently long for sweets. The body initiates this in attempt to boost blood sugar levels. However, a perfect reactive hypoglycemia diet should not contain candy meals or any plain carbohydrates.

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