
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet - The Key to Relief

If you suffer from reactive hypoglycemia, then you know just how much of a pain the symptoms of this frustrating disorder can be. - The moodiness, the anxiety, the hunger pangs, the fatigue, the heart racing, the dizziness, the tremors and the list goes on. So how do you control the disorder? Do you absolutely have to take medication? Do you have to rely on chemicals to treat your symptoms rather than treating the disorder naturally? Well honestly, you don't! You can alleviate the symptoms naturally. - And get remarkable relief at the same!
As you know, reactive hypoglycemia is a condition that occurs 1 to 4 hours after taking in a high-carb load. This tells us one thing; that this disorder is directly caused by eating and/or diet. So that also tells us another thing, this condition can be fixed and the symptoms can be alleviated through proper diet. Does that sound about right? Well it did to me! - And it is what helped me end the battle with RH.
With reactive hypoglycemia, when you eat simple carbohydrates like white bread, candy, cake, white potatoes etc., your blood sugar spikes significantly. When this happens, your insulin levels surge and continue to surge even past the point of "stable" blood sugar levels. This is when the clinically defined reactive hypoglycemia symptoms kick in due to low blood sugar. (The symptoms mentioned above.) So the trick is to eat foods that do not spike blood sugar and/or to eat foods that only permit blood sugar levels to rise slowly.
Foods that don't spike blood sugar include whole grains, peanut butter, nuts, cheeses, steak, chicken, fish, pork, bacon, berries, certain vegetables and more. With reactive hypoglycemia it's always best to eat a meal that is well-balanced with complex carbs, protein and fiber. For example, a great meal for someone suffering from this disorder would be chicken and brown rice with a serving of green beans. For even more information on foods that are great for people with RH to eat, research foods that are "low glycemic".
Now, we all know it's virtually impossible to go our whole lives without another piece of chocolate, another piece of grandma's cake and other great desserts. So, if you plan on having one of these desserts, make sure you have it after a well-balanced meal. Never eat a piece of cake or pie all by itself. This will definitely cause you have a reactive hypoglycemic episode.
Be well, eat well!

Article Source:

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Lyme Disease Co-Infection

A single tick bite can transmit more than Borrelia, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. One tick bite can infect a person with one or several diseases. Many of these tick borne diseases share the same symptoms: fatigue, joint pain, fever, stiff neck, and muscle aches. It is not uncommon for a patient to experience the symptoms of Lyme disease, and test negative for Lyme.

The first antibody the body produces after exposure to Borrelia is immunoglobulin type M. It takes anywhere from two to four weeks for this antibody to be present in enough quantity to be detected by testing. If a patient is tested before this antibody is detectable, the test results will be negative. This antibody remains in circulation about six months after the patient is cured.

The second antibody the body produces following immunoglobulin type M, is immunoglobulin type G. This antibody circulates in the blood about four to six weeks after exposure, and disappears in less that a year. This antibody does cross the placenta, but does not necessarily infect the fetus.

A commonly used test to detect Lyme disease antibodies in patient serum is an enzyme linked assay (ELISA). It is quick, easy, and inexpensive. The problem with this test is that the Borrelia species changes its surface proteins during cell division. The body's response to this change renders it unable to produce the typical immune response. Even though the patient is infected with the Lyme bacteria, the test results are negative. Another issue with this test is the probability of different strains of Borrelia that cause Lyme disease. The ELISA does not detect these other strains.

To further complicate the disease, a single tick bite can transmit several bacteria at the same time. Co-infection with Borrelia and other pathogens make it more difficult to diagnose and treat. The immune response may be different after exposure to other microbes. Therefore, results of the ELISA test may be inaccurate.

The drug of choice for Lyme disease is doxycycline. This drug covers a broad spectrum of microbes transmitted by ticks, however, not all. Sometimes a combination of antibiotics must be used to cure a patient. In cases where a diagnosis of Lyme disease is made, but the infection is caused by a microbe not susceptible to doxycycline, the patient will remain ill.

Further studies are underway to better understand how co-infection progresses once the patient is infected. Results of this study will help with diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other tick-borne infections.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

HIV Reservoirs and Viral Eradication

The advent of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) more than 15 years ago has dramatically changed the outcome of HIV infection from a deadly to a chronic disease. However, patients still experience problems of compliance, resistance, toxicity and cost. Furthermore, these therapies are not available worldwide, in particular in poor-resource areas where most of HIV-infected patients live.

If plasma viremia can remain undetectable in the majority of patients taking everyday cART, HIV remains in hidden reservoirs allowing viremia to rekindle within a few weeks each time therapy is stopped.

Over the past few years major advances have been made in understanding the nature and persistence mechanisms of these HIV reservoirs. It is currently believed that HIV remains latent in some memory T cells, which have a very long life span and not affected by cART. This reservoir of a few million cells in the body is considered as the major obstacle towards HIV eradication in treated patients.

However, if a decade ago almost nobody dared to speak of curing HIV infection, scientific advances have allowed developing potential strategies for a cure, some of which have already reached clinical trials.

This renewed optimism has been spurred by 3 clinical observations:

1-The Berlin patient:

This case has been widely reported. It involves a man who developed acute leukemia during the course of HIV infection and received a bone marrow transplant from a donor with a genetic mutation that protects against HIV infection. With now more than 5 years of follow-up, this patient is off cART and has not experienced viremia rebound or immune deterioration.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Guarding Against Skin Cancer

Almost everyone loves to get outside and spend a few hours in the sun; however, many people do not realize the dangers that the sun presents. Although sunlight gives energy, provides people with a mental boost, and is important for Vitamin D, too much exposure can cause someone to be diagnosed with skin cancer. Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States, and although the sunlight is usually the primary cause of this cancer, other factors can also be responsible. People who have a family history of cancer, spend lots of hours in tanning beds, or have sensitive skin will be at a higher risk for developing this type of cancer. Luckily, there are several ways in which people can prevent being diagnosed with this disease.

Pay attention to medication
Many medications contain ingredients that will increase a person's chances of getting sunburns, and unfortunately, sunburns can drastically increase the risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, people should consult with their doctors to determine if their medications will increase their sensitivity to the sunlight.

Wear sunscreen
People should always be sure to wear sunscreen daily. Even if it is a cloudy day, sunscreen should be worn. Since many experts agree that the ozone layer is weakening, people can no longer rely on natural protection against the sunlight. When choosing a sunscreen to wear, people should be sure to choose one that has at least an SPF 15 or higher. Also, people should be sure to apply the sunscreen every 30 minutes or as recommended by the label.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Common Eye Irritants

At one time or another, everyone has experienced burning eyes; an unpleasant sensation that is manifested by an irritation of the eyes. The condition most commonly affects people who wear glasses. They complain of an irritation of the eyes; which is mainly a problem when their eyes are dry. The condition may result in an itching feeling in and around the eyes; and is accompanied by discharge that is produced by the eyes.

The factors that cause the eyes to burn or itch may vary, and many factors may contribute, including; smoke, disease of the eyes, pollen, cold or flu, or even the entry of foreign substances in the eyes. The UV rays of the sun and environmental pollutants may also cause the itching and burning sensations in the eyes.

Age, medication, and disease of the eyes are the most common causes behind this uncomfortable, itching condition. In normal situations, the tears are supposed to bathe the eyes. The tears contain enzymes which aid in the digestion of any foreign microorganisms that may be trying to destroy the eye cells or tissues.

Allergies to things in the surrounding air and environment can also cause the sensation of burning eyes. Under these conditions, the body becomes overly sensitive to its own cells, and treats the cells of the body as though they are foreign cells triggering an immune reaction. To control this reaction in those who have allergies, a histamine drug intake is required. This helps control the severity of the allergic reaction of the body against its own cells, and restores order and balance in the body.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About Hyperlipidemia

Hyperlipidemia is when there are higher than normal amounts of lipids in the blood stream. Lipids, often called fats, are essential to the composition of cells.Generally when an individual has hyperlipidemia they also suffer from high cholesterol, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and atherosclerosis. There are no symptoms for hyperlipidemia so often times it goes undetected for long periods of time. Some of the risk factors are age (men over 45, women over 55), unhealthy lifestyle (poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, and smoking), medical conditions (diabetes, kidney disease, or pregnancy), and genetics. A blood test is needed to diagnose hyperlipidimia. Because there are no specific symptoms associated with hyperlipidemia a blood test will determine the levels of lipids in your blood. These levels can help determine the intervention necessary to control lipid levels, if diagnosed with hyperlipidemia. It is recommended as a precaution by The National Cholesterol Education Program that everyone get a blood test every 5 years after the age of 20.

Although the term fat generally has a negative connotation, it is important to recognize that at appropriate levels, lipids have important functions. However, if the lipid levels exceed the functional level, health risks increase significantly. Lipids are used to store large amounts of energy and to protect cells of the body. Lipids are able to store more energy per gram than carbohydrates and proteins. Activities lasting longer than one hour are fueled by the energy stored in lipids. Lipids make up the semi-permeable membrane of body cells that regulate what is allowed to enter the cells of the body. The lipid bilayer also protects the organelles within the cell, contains sites for enzyme and hormone recognition and transports food sources into the cell.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Reactive Hypoglycemia Diet - What You Should And Should Not Eat

Reactive hypoglycemia refers to a condition where blood sugar significantly drops 2-3 hours after a meal leading to repulsive symptoms such as nervousness, nausea and shaking. Good news is that these symptoms can be eliminated by embracing some changes in your diet. These include avoiding high intake of carbohydrates and taking regular meals.

It is very important to understand the kind of reactive hypoglycemia diet that is good for you. Reactive hypoglycemics are advised to consume food with high fiber content, which include pears, raspberries, whole-wheat products, peas and beans. Moreover, they should take in foods indicated as low glycemic, which usually provide glucose for significant amount of time. This helps your body to avoid low blood sugar levels, which is a part of this undesirable health condition. Vegan and organic foods are typical examples of foods that are flavored with cane or agave syrup and are not associated with any spikes in blood sugar. Foods that have high fructose concentration are undesirable.

You need to eat regular meals to compensate for the low blood sugar levels. Actually, people living with reactive hypoglycemia should have meals after every 2 to 3 hours to avoid crashes in their blood sugar levels. It is recommended that one should take frequent meals in small quantities other than taking the three regular meals. Wise ways to do this is by taking half of what you take in each normal meal and distribute the rest for intake in the remaining two hours.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Treatment Options for Your Beard Patches

If you are suffering from the aforementioned condition, you can try out some home remedies as a first line of treatment. One of the best known home remedies is the use of massaging oil, which is readily available in the local stores. You can try rubbing this oil regularly - just before going to bed for a few days. Oils such as olive oils or coconut oils are very beneficial for bald patches. If that does not work, you can check out the lemon juice treatment. The treatment is very simple. All you need to do is to squeeze out the juice of a lemon and then directly apply it on the affected area. If you mix black tea with the lemon juice, the effectiveness is more. You should see the results in just a few weeks.

Herbal tea is also very good for the baldness treatment. You can use tea leaves that are freshly soaked in water or you can use the tea bags and soak them in water. Then apply the tea solution on the affected area. This is generally done early in the morning or late in the evening-just before going to bed.

If these home remedies don't work, it is time you searched the internet for hair growth enhancers. The hair growth enhancers are generally different for the head and the beard region. The beard region skin is tender and needs special care. The hair growth enhancers are easily available on online stores, but the efficacy of most of them is still in question. If the hair growth enhancers are chemical based, you will definitely have some side effects-most of which are undesirable.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Do You Know About Bone Genetic Diseases?

Genetic Bone Diseases have some common characteristics?

Although doctors claim that these diseases are somewhat rare, there are a few similar factors among all of them.

Most common forms of bone diseases are known to:

• Alter of the proportion of body; results in uneven or shortened limbs, but a regular-sized head.
• Increase or decrease bone density.
• Alter the strength of the bone.
• Alter bone shapes; causing them to either shorten or bend (bowing).

Some tumors can appear on the bones caused by Genetic Diseases. Additionally, pain and regular bone fractures are related with these diseases.

Symptoms of Bone Disease are in following

There may be no symptoms or may be very obvious symptoms depending upon the type of bone disease.

Monday, February 18, 2013

5 Tips For Crashing Reactive Hypoglycemia Instead of Letting It Crash You

If you have been diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia, you may have lots of questions about what to eat, when to eat, etc. It can be frustrating! - Learning a new diet. Below are 5 tips for helping you control the condition.

Cut Out the Junk!

Junk! It's tempting for a lot of us. - French fries, cake, ice cream, donuts, chocolate. Any of these can be fine every now and then for people without reactive hypoglycemia. However, for people with the condition, these foods can throw a person into a full blow hypoglycemic episode.

What to Eat!

The best foods for you to eat will be foods that are not processed. - Foods that are high in protein, fiber and foods that contain complex carbohydrates. - Foods that are low on the glycemic index.

Foods that are safe for you are cheeses, blueberries, strawberries, nuts, vegetables, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, chicken, beef, fish, peanut butter.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Patient Advocacy: How Can It Help Those Diagnosed With Cancer?

A diagnosis of cancer is devastating and overwhelming, no matter how old you are or what type of cancer has been diagnosed. In each case the road ahead will provide treatment that aims to eradicate that cancer. If this is not possible the treatment will manage it with the intention of giving the sufferer a better life expectancy.

Of course, every situation and diagnosis is different. However, patients can often benefit from having an advocate on their side to help them seek out the best treatment in their individual case.

What is patient advocacy?

Patient advocacy is a middle ground between the patient and the health professional. Let us consider a situation where a patient has been diagnosed with cancer. They are suddenly faced with the prospect of considering different options for treatment, often being presented with one clear path as the preferred route to take. This can be an overwhelmingly emotional time, but it can also be confusing.

An advocate is a go between who helps to ensure the patient gets the information they need from the care givers. In this situation, they will have experience of helping other cancer patients achieve the best possible outcome. It is understandable to be confused and not know which questions should be asked in terms of communicating with health professionals in this situation. However, with the assistance of an advocate, the process of gaining information can be much easier than it would be otherwise.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The United States of Cancer

"Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous." -Otto Warburg

"... all normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose." -Otto Warburg


Dr. Otto Warburg defined Cancer almost fifty years ago. And yet today, the consensus of current researchers is that cancer is a complete mystery!

His paper, "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" was the first Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded him that he could collect. The original one he could not collect, he lived in Nazi Germany at the time and was a Jew.

Only one other man, Linus Pauling, has been awarded two Nobel Prizes, and even Pauling was not awarded both in his primary field, while Warburg was.

As Warburg declares, there are many secondary causes of cancer(environmental, ionizing radiation, chemicals), there still remains but one primary cause, a self sustaining metabolic dysfunction of tissue that deprives the cells of oxygen.

When a cell is oxygen deprived the metabolic pathway of respiration is diverted to an alternate pathway without oxygen called anaerobic metabolism. Warburg called this fermentation. This is an extremely inefficient use of cellular fuel that is also very dirty, and toxic (pyruvate is a neuro-toxin).

For every molecule of glucose thirty eight molecules of ATP is created in the aerobic pathway, but only about two are created in the non-aerobic pathway, and both lactic acid and pyruvate accumulate in and surrounding the cell as a result.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Best Natural Treatment For Yeast Infection

Dealing with yeast infections is quite difficult, considering that it demands proper attention to stop this specific condition in order to avoid worsening it. Nevertheless, there are various natural treatment methods to stop yeast infections today most notably e-books which provide helpful hints and diets in order to proficiently and safely successfully treat yeast infections.

Below are 2 of the best treatment programs that will include all the essential particulars that one really should be informed if your suffering from this disease.

Yeast Infection No More By Linda Allen

If you're waiting to know, this treatment isn't a medication. Linda Allen's Yeast Infection No More is a natural treatment program that will help you get rid off your candidiasis infection. Linda Allen who's a candidiasis sufferer herself for this reason, this specific product is tested and proven to work. Linda created this treatment plan strategy based around the woman's experiences.

She created this program specifically to be able to treat every condition which are associated with yeast infections. Because it is a treatment process, there won't be any prescribed medicines or ointments and lotions involved which could possibly harm the body or even worsen the condition but, its content has a step by step strategy to cure the disease like for example changes in your lifestyle.

Yeast Infection No More natural treatment methods will offer you information on the signs and symptoms you need to check for. Every type of sign will be included from vaginal discharge or genital odor, burning up or itching sensation on the sexual parts, arthritis, leaky gut syndrome, excruciating sex, painful sensation upon urinating or maybe having to deal with urinary system issues, severe skin rashes, swift changes in moods or just depression, tiredness or endless exhaustion and numerous others.