
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The United States of Cancer

"Deprive a cell 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous." -Otto Warburg

"... all normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes. From the standpoint of the physics and chemistry of life this difference between normal and cancer cells is so great that one can scarcely picture a greater difference. Oxygen gas, the donor of energy in plants and animals is dethroned in the cancer cells and replaced by an energy yielding reaction of the lowest living forms, namely, a fermentation of glucose." -Otto Warburg


Dr. Otto Warburg defined Cancer almost fifty years ago. And yet today, the consensus of current researchers is that cancer is a complete mystery!

His paper, "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" was the first Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded him that he could collect. The original one he could not collect, he lived in Nazi Germany at the time and was a Jew.

Only one other man, Linus Pauling, has been awarded two Nobel Prizes, and even Pauling was not awarded both in his primary field, while Warburg was.

As Warburg declares, there are many secondary causes of cancer(environmental, ionizing radiation, chemicals), there still remains but one primary cause, a self sustaining metabolic dysfunction of tissue that deprives the cells of oxygen.

When a cell is oxygen deprived the metabolic pathway of respiration is diverted to an alternate pathway without oxygen called anaerobic metabolism. Warburg called this fermentation. This is an extremely inefficient use of cellular fuel that is also very dirty, and toxic (pyruvate is a neuro-toxin).

For every molecule of glucose thirty eight molecules of ATP is created in the aerobic pathway, but only about two are created in the non-aerobic pathway, and both lactic acid and pyruvate accumulate in and surrounding the cell as a result.

And so any cancer cell is severely energy deficient. This when maintained, results in the decay of the cell itself. A severe energy deficiency is also associated with Alzheimer's Disease which causes the morbid decay of the brain.

Lactic acid is not easily removed, it requires the lactate transport protein, and removing it is similar to a crowded parking lot where everyone is trying to leave through one entrance. And so cancer is always surrounded, and permeated with lactic acid.

This surrounding envelope of lactic acid prevents oxygen from entering the environment of the cell, and this environment is only capable of carrying one tenth of the oxygen level that surrounds a normal healthy cell. And so cancer becomes a self-sustaining metabolic dysfunction. The cell can't get oxygen so it ferments glucose without oxygen. Fermenting glucose without oxygen produces lactic acid which envelops the cell and prevents oxygen from reaching the cell.

The waste produced by a cancer cell ensures it remains a cancer cell, remove the waste and a normal cell will return. Prevent the cell from being oxygen deficient for an extended period of time and you avert cancer. Typically, anaerobes pollute their own environment enough that it eventually kills them(this is why you can only produce wine to about 12% alcohol).

It is a proven fact that if you can restore the extra cellular environment enveloping cancer cells and permeating the tissues, that they will revert back to normal healthy cells. A Dr. Simincini from Italy has been doing this with an intravenous solution of baking soda targeting the tumour.

DMSO, the bio-oxative transport molecule, is also proven to convert tumours back into healthy aerobic cells, but baking soda and DMSO(derived from trees) are both simple, and inexpensive treatments. Far too simple, effective, and inexpensive for big money medicine and government to take an interest in?

So if Warburg pointed towards a cure fifty years ago and adequately defined cancer, and we have perfectly useful natural substances that if applied correctly will cure cancer, why aren't we doing it?

And so we bring up our children to eat, breath, and adsorb refuse? Certainly the intellectual refuse sets the parameter!

What is clear, industry creates carcinogens.

Industrial agriculture produces deficient foods treated with harmful chemicals.

The medical establishment is missing the mark in a fundamental way, or truly not interested in curing people, but only in pursuing their own economic interests.

Chemotherapy and most cancer drugs are carcinogens, and not a cancer cure!

The government collects enormous tax revenues from the status quo, and it would be hard pressed to jeopardize this income stream. And more than this, tampering with the system would undoubtedly have severe economic consequences, so let the next elected worry about it. The time horizon for major decisions never seems to exceed the interests of a four year term. And so, expect that society will become mentally and physically sicker, this is our future, this is what we should expect.

And so in our culture the paradoxes are,

- The first role of the food industry is not to nourish, and not to not poison the people it feeds.
- The first role of medicine is not to cure.
- And the first role of government is not to lead responsibly for the health and welfare of it's population.
- To believe otherwise is to be a fool

All organized modern human activity is based upon the concept of debt. You are expendable to the extent that you do not any longer generate more production than you cost. Perhaps your agonizing death throngs are of little consequence as disease ravages your body, and you make one last contribution to the economy, by dying an extremely profitable death!

The ages of slavery are still not past us, so whistle on about your rights, you have none unless you are willing at least able to understand and argue for them. Perhaps we can re-invent ourselves, the system, this is the only hope we have. Otherwise we will decay and parish.

The system itself, as it is, is like a cancer. It is a self-perpetuating disease state, and it is fatal.

"Tribe follows tribe, and nation follows nation, like the waves of the sea. It is the order of nature, and regret is useless. Your time of decay may be distant, but it will surely come, for even the White Man... cannot be exempt from the common destiny."
• Chief Seattle, The Chief Seattle's Speech

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